The Spa

Salsomaggiore Terme boasts spa water whose therapeutic properties are superior to those offered in any other health spa in Italy and in Europe. The Spa is the one of the most skilled spa therapy facilities in the world.
The brine-bromine-iodine water at Salsomaggiore dates back to a marine deposit from millions of years ago that is located under our city.
This cold hypertonic water is drawn from wells at depths of 800-1200 m. It has a 16° Baumè density of mineral salts (150 grams of salt per liter) - 5 times the density of the Mediterranean sea - and the highest percentage of iodine and bromine in all spa waters existing in Nature. It also has a reddish tint due to the presence of iron salts.
The Spa extracts water for its baths from wells containing ancient sea water. A concentration process is used to produce thermal spring water for inhalation and irrigation therapies, and a subsequent soaking procedure produces mud that accentuates the analgesic and anti-inflammatory effectiveness of the baths.
The spa treatments at Salsomaggiore that are shown here are offered at the prestigious Zoja facility, which is also open on Saturday and Sunday and all year round. Here, esteemed specialists in the principal branches of the body that are subjected to spa treatments offer advice on how to maximize their benefits.
All Italian citizens are entitled to one series of spa treatments subsidized by the National Health Service. The treatments are given upon presentation of a prescription issued by the family doctor and either require a small co-payment or are free-of-charge. For complete information, log on to www.termedisalsomaggiore.cit
Tabiano Terme is a hamlet located 4 km from Salsomaggiore, where a spring of sulphureous water is found that has one of the highest concentrations of hydrogen sulfide in the world. This water has been used with remarkable success for many years to treat problems with the nose, ears, throat and skin, and is particularly effective in children (a highly important Pediatric Center with excellent specialists that support and personalize the spa treatment is located in Tabiano Terme).
Complete information can be found at

Hotel Principe Salsomaggiore Terme
Viale Romagnosi, 22 - Tel. 0524 573148 - Fax 0524 574431 - - P.Iva 02155560341